Open Enrollment is Here! Enroll from Nov 1 - Jan 15 to secure your coverage. Tips to enroll →

Open Enrollment is Here! Enroll from Nov 1 - Jan 15 to secure your coverage. Tips to enroll →

Autumn Health Festival

Autumn Health Festival


October 25, 2024    
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Partnership for Community Action
722 Isleta Blvd SW, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87105


Join BeWell and Partnership for Community Action at the Autumn Health Festival, 722 Isleta Blvd. SW in Albuquerque, from 4 to 7 p.m. The goal of Partnership for Community Action is to provide vaccine equity for you and your family while creating a safe space for those who are uninsured or underinsured. BeWell representatives will be available to provide information on enrolling in affordable, high-quality health coverage through the Marketplace. We will also have new information for DACA recipients—beginning Nov. 1, you may be eligible for coverage through the Marketplace and qualify for subsidies. Stop by our table to get your health insurance questions answered and set up an appointment with a certified assister.

Verify your Medicaid Eligibility Status

Before joining the enrollment event, verify you are no longer eligible for Medicaid with the New Mexico Human Services Department (HSD). Click here to verify your eligibility status through chat. You can also verify your eligibility by calling HSD at 1-800-283-4465.

Get Help Now

BeWell is here to answer your questions. Feel free to call, email or chat with us whenever your ready.