Open Enrollment is Here! Enroll from Nov 1 - Jan 15 to secure your coverage. Tips to enroll →

Open Enrollment is Here! Enroll from Nov 1 - Jan 15 to secure your coverage. Tips to enroll →

Las Cruces National Night Out

Las Cruces National Night Out


August 6, 2024    
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Main Street, Downtown Las Cruces
221 N Main St, Las Cruces, New Mexico, 88001


Join BeWell August 6th for Las Cruces National Night Out. This event will give residents an evening to meet neighbors and area first responders. Kid friendly activities are planned as well as a chance to meet organizations from southern New Mexico.

Verify your Medicaid Eligibility Status

Before joining the enrollment event, verify you are no longer eligible for Medicaid with the New Mexico Human Services Department (HSD). Click here to verify your eligibility status through chat. You can also verify your eligibility by calling HSD at 1-800-283-4465.

Get Help Now

BeWell is here to answer your questions. Feel free to call, email or chat with us whenever your ready.